考研英语 题源外刊精读 金融时报 撤消文科 文科生进来…

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humanities degrees: ave atque vale
more often than not, arts graduates get less bang for their buck than their more scientifically minded peers
? ? ? ? humanities degrees are falling out of favour in the uk. this month, sheffield hallam university nixed its english literature course, sparking an immediate backlash from writers and others in the arts world. the university of cumbria took similar steps last year. aston university’s languages programmes and modern languages at hull university have also been cancelled.
? ? ? ? this is odd for a nation governed by humanities graduates. it also seems financially ill-advised. fees for most british undergraduates are a flat £9,250, regardless of the costs — or benefits — of the course. degrees in subjects such as politics are cheaper to provide than those involving fully furnished labs or state of the art computing power.
? ? ? ? government top-up funding reflects this discrepancy. the subsidy to arts courses was halved last year to £120 while the £1,500 provided mostly to stem courses is being nudged nearly 5 per cent higher this academic year.
? ? ? ? yet based on the latest available data, these subsidies fail to bridge the shortfall. deficits are most pronounced in clearly vocational subjects taken by would-be vets, dentists and doctors. most humanities, alongside law, break even on the average student. in the treacherous world of higher education, that counts as a good outcome.

humanities degrees: ave atque vale
more often than not, arts graduates get less bang for their buck than their more scientifically minded peers

1. humanity:[hju??m?n?ti],傍边有个“man”不难猜出它的意思和“人”有关。在文中标明“人文学科”,相同“the arts,可以用来指理工科。回到单词本身,除了人文学科,它还能标明“人类”,比方:they face charges of committing crimes against humanity. 他们被控犯有反人类罪。以及“人道”,比方:a man whos almost lost his humanity in his bitter hatred of his rivals. 因怨恨竞赛对手而几乎损失人道的男人
2.?ave atque vale:一个拉丁词,即hail and farewell,问候,再会。晓得即可。
3.?get less bang for their buck: 更常用的是get a big bang for your buck, 付出得到酬谢。bang,名词,俄然的巨响。buck,名词,美元(咱们还学过它的动词,标明“反抗,反抗”,常常和趋势连用,buck the trend)。文中变成了less bang,即文科专业的酬谢更少了。
4.?minded: 描述词,有…思维的,比方:im not very politically minded. 我对政治不怎么感快乐喜爱。也可以标明“想要…的”,和determined有点类似,但程度低一些,比方:if the americans were so minded then they could take sanctions against them. 要是美国人非要这么做的话,那么他们可以对其进行制裁。

p1 总分规划,引出主题:人文学科在英国不吃香了。
? ? ? ? humanities degrees are falling out of favour in the uk. this month, sheffield hallam university nixed its english literature course, sparking an immediate backlash from writers and others in the arts world. the university of cumbria took similar steps last year. aston university’s languages programmes and modern languages at hull university have also been cancelled.

1. humanities degrees are falling out of favour in the uk. 人文学科在英国正在失宠。
fall out of favour:失宠。拓宽一个词组:in favour of或许in ones favour,有两个意思,其一标明“对…有利”,比方:the protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to a bias in favour of the countryside… 农人所受的维护几乎变成了对村庄的偏袒。以及:firms are trying to shift the balance of power in the labour market back in their favour. 各公司正在企图让劳作力商场的均势向有利于自个的方向倾斜。其二标明“认为…正确;认为…有理”,比方:if the commission rules in mr welchs favour the case will go to the european court of human rights. 假定委员会判决韦尔奇有理,这个案子将送交欧洲人权法庭。

2.?this month,?sheffield hallam university nixed its english literature course, sparking an immediate backlash from writers and others in the arts world. the university of cumbria took similar steps last year. aston university’s languages programmes and modern languages at hull university have also been cancelled.?本月,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学撤消了其英语文学课程,当即引发了作家及人文界其别人士的激烈对立。坎布里亚大学上一年也采纳了类似办法。阿斯顿大学的言语课程和赫尔大学的现代言语课程也被撤消。


spark:名词标明“火星,火花”,动词标明”触发,引发“,比方:what was it that sparked your interest in motoring? 是啥让你对开车发生了快乐喜爱?the proposals are expected to spark heated debate. 这些提议估量会致使剧烈的争论。拓宽一个词组,sparks fly,火星四溅,即标明“剧烈争论”,比方:they are not afraid to tackle the issues or let the sparks fly when necessary. 他们不怕应对这些疑问,也不怕必要时来一番剧烈的争论。文中的词组可以同时回想spark an immediate backlash:当即引发激烈对立。

p2 ?撤消文科不只新鲜而且也不合算。
? ? ? ? this is odd for a nation governed by humanities graduates. it also seems financially ill-advised. fees for most british undergraduates are a flat £9,250, regardless of the costs — or benefits — of the course. degrees in subjects such as politics are cheaper to provide than those involving fully furnished labs or state of the art computing power.

1. this is odd for a nation governed by humanities graduates. it also seems financially ill-advised. 关于一个由人文学科结业生控制的国家来说,这很新鲜。这在财务上如同也不正确。
odd:描述词,新鲜的,古怪的。来看一个考研真题语句:at the same time, dickens, who had a reporter’s eye for transcribing the life around him especially anything comic or odd, submitted short sketches to obscure magazines. 与此一起,狄更斯以记者的眼光记载他周围的日子,特别是任何有喜感的或新鲜的东西,他向不起眼的杂志提交了简略的草图。它还能标明“奇数的,奇数的”,比方:the odd numbers are on the left as you walk up the street… 沿这条街走,在左面的是单号。拓宽一下它的复数odds,标明“机缘;可以性;几率”,比方:what are the odds of finding a parking space right outside the door?… 就在门口找到泊车位的可以性有多大?the odds are that you are going to fail. 你很可以会失利。而假定是be at odds with sb,则是标明“与…不好”,比方:he was at odds with his prime minister… 他与辅弼不好。


2. ?fees for most british undergraduates are a flat £9,250, regardless of the costs — or benefits — of the course. 大大都英国本科生的费用固定为9,250 英镑,不管课程的本钱或收益如何。


3. ?degrees in subjects such as politics are cheaper to provide than those involving fully furnished labs or state of the art computing power. ?政治等学科的学位比需要设备完全的实验室或最早进的核算才能的学位更廉价。

furnish:动词,基原意思为“安设”,特别是指家私的安设。第二个意思为“供给,供给”,分配为furnish sb with sth,和provide共同,比方:theyll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details. 他们将可向你供给其他的细节。

state of the art: 描述词性词组,最早进的。类似的表达还有advanced, cutting-edge。

拆解一下语句规划,骨干为 degrees in subjects such as politics are cheaper to provide,供给啥啥的学位更廉价。和谁比呢?those 也标明学位,是前面现已说到的degrees的指代,但这些学位纷歧样,后边用involving引导的非谓语来阐明是啥样的学位,包括了两个,一个是fully furnished labs 设备完全的实验室,一个是state of the art computing power 最早进的核算才能。

p3 ?总分规划,进一步阐明财务方面的差异。
? ? ? ? government top-up funding reflects this discrepancy. the subsidy to arts courses was halved last year to £120 while the £1,500 provided mostly to stem courses is being nudged nearly 5 per cent higher this academic year.

1.?government top-up funding reflects this discrepancy.??政府弥补资金反映了这种差异。

top-up:标明追加的,后边跟和钱有关的名词,比方文中的funding,或许top-up loans 追加的告贷。去掉中心的-,变成了一个动词词组,标明“充值”,给手机充值就可以说top up your phone。

discrepancy:名词,差异,纷歧致。来看一个六级的真题例句:so why is there such a
考研英语  题源外刊精读  金融时报  撤消文科 文科生进来…插图
discrepancy between the perception of immigrants impact on the economy and the reality? 那么,为啥移民对经济影响的观点与实际之间存在如此大的差异呢?它的描述词同时掌控一下,discrepant,有差异的。

2.?the subsidy to arts courses was halved last year to £120 while the £1,500 provided mostly to stem courses is being nudged nearly 5 per cent higher this academic year.?上一年对人文课程的补助减半至120 英镑,而首要用于stem课程的 1,500 英镑在本学年被推高了近 5%。

subsidy:名词,补助,补助。来看考研真题的一个语句:taxes on low-wage labor need to be cut, and wage subsidies such as the earned income tax credit should be expanded: this would boost incomes, encourage work, reward companies for job creation, and reduce inequality. 需要削减对低薪酬劳作力的税收,并扩展薪酬补助(如所得税抵免):这将添加收入,鼓舞作业,奖赏创造作业机缘的公司,并削减不对等。


stem:是取science, technology, engineering和mathematics的首字母,即指理工科。

nudge:[n?d?],动词,先掌控它的基原意思,“(一般指用肘)轻推,轻碰(致使使留心)”,例如: he said, and nudged the boy lightly with his knee.“别这么干了,”他用膝盖悄悄碰了碰那个男孩说道。再来看它在文中的意思,标明“悄悄推进”,例句:the civil servant nudged him forward. 那个文职人员向前推了他一把。最终拓宽一个较少呈现的意思,标明“几乎抵达,接近”,来个例句安靖一下:the temperature when we were there was nudging 80 degree f. 咱们在的时分,那里温度接近80华氏度。

拆解语句规划?the subsidy to arts courses was halved last year to £120 while the £1,500 provided mostly to stem courses is being nudged nearly 5 per cent higher this academic year.?以while为界,分红两半。
后半句的骨干是 the £1,500 is being nudged 推进了1500英镑,即前进了补助。
剩下的有些,跟在1500后边的provided mostly to stem courses,是ed方法的非谓语做后置定语,起阐明作用,阐明这个钱首要是供给给理工科的。nearly 5 per cent higher this academic year比照简略,添加了将近5%,在本学年。

p4 总分规划,补助未能抵偿缺口。
? ? ? ? yet based on the latest available data, these subsidies fail to bridge the shortfall. deficits are most pronounced in clearly vocational subjects taken by would-be vets, dentists and doctors. most humanities, alongside law, break even on the average student. in the treacherous world of higher education, that counts as a good outcome.?

1. yet based on the latest available data, these subsidies fail to bridge the shortfall. deficits are most pronounced in clearly vocational subjects taken by would-be vets, dentists and doctors. ?可是,根据最新的可用数据,这些补助未能抵偿缺口。在准兽医、牙医和医生所修读的作业类别中,赤字最为显着。

bridge the shortfall: bridge名词是桥,动词标明“弥合(不合);消除(隔阂)”,常见的词组还有bridge the gap, bridge the differences.拓宽一个词组,假定我说burn your bridges,是啥意思?(答案在文末)。

pronounced:咱们比照了解它的动词,pronounce,除了标明“发…音”,还能标明“声称,宣告”,比方:i now pronounce you man and wife. 我如今宣告你们结为夫妻。加了ed后变成描述词,标明“显着的,显着的”,比方:a pronounced australian accent… 显着的澳大利亚口音。拓宽一点词根的常识,nounce恰当于speak,标明,你还能举出几个同词根的单词吗?比方:announce, denounce(呵斥),renounce (宣告扔掉),是不是都和?怠庇械懔纾恳煌瓶匕伞?br>

taken by would-be vets, dentists and doctors:又是一个ed方法非谓语后置,润饰前面的vocational subjects(作业类学科),would-be标明将来的,将来的。就是啥样的作业类学科呢?是将来的兽医、牙医和医生上的作业类学科。

2. most humanities, alongside law, break even on the average student. in the treacherous world of higher education, that counts as a good outcome. ?除了法令之外,大大都人文学科在一般学生身上都能出入平衡。在风险的高级教育世界中,这算是一个好的成果。

break even: 出入相抵。弥补一个也和出入有关的,make ends meet,也标明出入恰当,富含收入较少牵强坚持的意思,?例句:theyve got to watch every penny to make ends meet. 他们得克勤克俭才干坚持下去。

treacherous:[?tret??r?s],描述词,标明“风险的,改变无常的”,比方:the current of the river is fast flowing and treacherous…这条河水流湍急,改变无常。they made the treacherous journey across stormy seas in rotten boats. 他们乘着破旧的小舟穿越风大浪急的海面,结束了这次风险之旅。但假定描述人呢?标明“奸刁的,奸滑的”,比方:he publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders…他揭露脱离该党,并呵斥该党领袖言而无信。总之不是一个好词儿。

burn your bridges, 烧掉你的桥,即

get a big bang for your buck 付出得到酬谢
fall out of favour??失宠
spark?an immediate backlash from…??当即引发来自…的激烈对立
odd numbers 奇数
be at odds with sb 与…不好
fully furnished labs? 设备完全的实验室
top up your phone? 给手机充值
bridge the shortfall? 抵偿缺口
break even? 出入相抵


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